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Rpm act

Dave De
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Rpm act  Empty Rpm act

Post  stanger68 July 19th 2022, 10:46 pm

This thing may finally be getting some traction.


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Rpm act  Empty Re: Rpm act

Post  Dave De July 20th 2022, 4:32 pm

Think positive about the RPM Act but there will be issues with our sport over this climate agenda and pending emergency. Race fuel will be illegal and many of the compounds used to prep the track surface as being environmentally not green. Can you imagine these people trying to ESG score racing activities. We truly have the insane running the asylum.
Dave De
Dave De

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Rpm act  Empty Re: Rpm act

Post  stanger68 July 20th 2022, 10:52 pm

Think positive indeed. One of the many reasons I switched to alcohol years ago.


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Rpm act  Empty Re: Rpm act

Post  supervel45 July 21st 2022, 2:12 am

How Dare You, We'll be Watching You.

Have fun with the RPM ACT now. Maybe after Jan.20,2023 if congress gets a super majority to over ride a presidential veto?


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Rpm act  Empty Re: Rpm act

Post  dfree383 July 21st 2022, 7:00 am

This next election is going to be a big factor on where all this green BS is going to go.

The latest Supreme court ruling on the EPA has helped.

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Rpm act  Empty Re: Rpm act

Post  Dave De July 21st 2022, 8:04 am

supervel45 wrote:

How Dare You, We'll be Watching You.

Have fun with the RPM ACT now. Maybe after Jan.20,2023 if congress gets a super majority to over ride a presidential veto?

Greta Thunberg.... Oh from the mouth of babes. Already they are back tracking the 1.5c temperature rise from 2019 in that video clip. Can you imagine when they find that CO2 does nothing to affect the climate. Let's hope that sanity prevails here.
Looking forward, if a climate emergency is enacted by the Biden handlers. All amateur motorsports will not be allowed. Dispensing gasoline will be rationed.
They may hit water sports and other activities. Your smart electric meter will allow them to cut off your power at predefined limits forcing you to raise your temperature for AC to 80f or some other ridiculously high number. The same for heating in the winter. Buckle up its going to be bad.
Remember this is all about control and nothing to do with energy.
Dave De
Dave De

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Rpm act  Empty Re: Rpm act

Post  supervel45 July 21st 2022, 11:27 am

I can't drive 55.

Seems like FJB is trying to relive the 70's and 80's Energy Crisis on steroids with his 2000's hippy grandbabies and the guise of Climate change.

Back then it was 55MPH 68F heat 78F cool on government buildings.

Sad to say, they will have to push us almost off the edge of the cliff before there is any real pushback and it maybe too late then to rebound.

With all that said I feel it is stupid the deplete our Strategic Petroleum Reserves with a Middle Eastern war brewing that the MSM won't report on.

Your mileage may vary.


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Rpm act  Empty Re: Rpm act

Post  BBFTorino July 22nd 2022, 10:40 pm

How many of us are willing to shed blood....their's, and even ours, to fight this tyrannical govt.??
If we don't do something soon, we WILL be under CCP rule, and everything that we have ever loved about America, will be turned upside down and used against us.
Right now, it's "only" political....but very soon, it's going to turn physical.


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Rpm act  Empty Re: Rpm act

Post  supervel45 July 23rd 2022, 1:10 am

BBFTorino wrote:How many of us are willing to shed blood....their's, and even ours, to fight this tyrannical govt.??
If we don't do something soon, we WILL be under CCP rule, and everything that we have ever loved about America, will be turned upside down and used against us.
Right now, it's "only" political....but very soon, it's going to turn physical.

Have another glass of wine and chill, LoL. Without even "Firing a Shot" as they said before.

It's in the Lord's hands likely, hopefully he protects his followers here and the in the ever after as he promised.


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Rpm act  Empty Re: Rpm act

Post  supervel45 July 23rd 2022, 3:23 am

Dave De wrote:
supervel45 wrote:

How Dare You, We'll be Watching You.

Have fun with the RPM ACT now. Maybe after Jan.20,2023 if congress gets a super majority to over ride a presidential veto?

Greta Thunberg.... Oh from the mouth of babes. Already they are back tracking the 1.5c temperature rise from 2019 in that video clip. Can you imagine when they find that CO2 does nothing to affect the climate. Let's hope that sanity prevails here.
Looking forward, if a climate emergency is enacted by the Biden handlers. All amateur motorsports will not be allowed. Dispensing gasoline will be rationed.
They may hit water sports and other activities. Your smart electric meter will allow them to cut off your power at predefined limits forcing you to raise your temperature for AC to 80f or some other ridiculously high number. The same for heating in the winter. Buckle up its going to be bad.
Remember this is all about control and nothing to do with energy.      

Respectfully Dave I think you are missing the bigger picture of the Climate Change "Trogan Horse" of the whole sellout if it really is one? I went straight to the source to make my point. These people are not stupid. The Western Public is Blindly Retarded though. No disrespect to the mentally handicap, as Forest Gump would see this when it was staring him in the face and not trying to over analize if it is one as it appears.{spelling pun on purpose}.

Notice the date Feb. 22, 2022. Remember what happened on the 24. One of the first rules of any type of warfare is that the Enemy gets a vote also.

It would be interesting if the Chines and Ruski's shot their wad economically and their militaries fighting proxy wars for nature energy (oil,gas,coal ect.) as well as green energy resources for 30 years or more, and we fired up our oil production to the max along with nuclear and then said suckers choke on your batteries and magnets and limited oil we were just kidding.

Then say do you still want our manufacturing contracts?

This kind of long range plan goes back to Nixon and our losing Indo China sort of.

Not likely but, it's my hope for now and the flies in the ointment or at swarm level and we are way behind the curve.


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Rpm act  Empty Re: Rpm act

Post  rmcomprandy July 23rd 2022, 11:36 am

The problem seems to be that the staunch supporters of "global warming" in the U.S. Congress are holding it up ...


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Rpm act  Empty Re: Rpm act

Post  supervel45 July 23rd 2022, 12:37 pm

rmcomprandy wrote:The problem seems to be that the staunch supporters of "global warming" in the U.S. Congress are holding it up ...

This is just a hunch from some of the other laws just pasted about the new nanny narc cars and proposed self driving unicorns. I don't think the big 3 and other makers want their ECM's fooled with and have to go along with "Sugar Daddy" anyway, remember VW. They are just using "climate change" "save the children" as a vehicle to further their police state, not to mention big money graft. Also they want older vehicles gone because they "Subvert the AI Machine".


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Rpm act  Empty Re: Rpm act

Post  supervel45 July 23rd 2022, 10:55 pm

BBFTorino wrote:How many of us are willing to shed blood....their's, and even ours, to fight this tyrannical govt.??
If we don't do something soon, we WILL be under CCP rule, and everything that we have ever loved about America, will be turned upside down and used against us.
Right now, it's "only" political....but very soon, it's going to turn physical.

I am assuming you were around during the draft? No worries, Uncles got a plan, head that way to kill the yellow man. Oh aim a little bit North on the Map That Way Boys that's what I meant. Both Problems Solved on The Home Front if a General War is Ever Declared Again. Not But you get the Idea.

Vote all the mother fuckers out on their ass from both parties and learn to say NO. Not to the Draft Mind You but Sam getting U.S. "us" in this mess and Our Allies Following Along Like the Lap Dogs they Usually are. It needs to be in the platform to freeze or control some of this Technology and that almost all of the general public does not know about being used in CONUS and it's Territory's if Possible?

PBS used to do programs on the "Chinese Safe Cities" and I assume Corporate told them to shit can it.

PS: It's our fault also at least the older ones that Knew Better and went along with it as well as the Younger Techies who think it is just greatest thing ever since sliced bread, and disregard the Law of the Jungle, Kill or Be Killed and Eaten.

Problem is who has 1.4 billon hungry people to work in sweat shops to make this stuff to feed the Wests High Browed Equalitarianism " It was all those other White Boy Back Then who had Slaves and Serfs, Not Us " lust for this Stuff. Must Be Nice Until it's Not.

Unicorn Farts and Fairy Dust Do Not Change the World or Human Nature No Matter How Civilized People Think They Are.

Mao the Communist won the revolution in 1949 in Mainland China and and Our Guy Chang Ki Sheik retreated to Formosa Island aka Republic of China aka Taiwan. The Proxy Shit has been on since 1946 with the French trying to reclaim their Colonies in Indo China with our Help. 93,000 plus U.S. GI's Kia since over it in East Asia. One a UN Police Action in 1950-53 and the Other one Just a Conflict from 1955-1975. We did keep a lot of it though in our Sphere of Influence.

We knew it was a Bad Idea But did it Anyway. {Becoming Critically Dependent On Communist Sworn Enemy's}

It's Close to the old saying Better Red then Dead and the U.S. Replied Better Dead Then Red.

Such a Shame a Few Decades Change. Makes When You Forget This History.


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Rpm act  Empty Re: Rpm act

Post  BBFTorino July 24th 2022, 1:26 am

The whole Vietnam conflict was totally unnecessary on our part. We started off as
advisors to the conflict that was just beginning to heat up in the 50's.
It was the Democrats who insisted that we get more involved in it. It was the Democrats who ramped up our military involvement and got nearly 60,000 of our guys killed over there. They said it was to stop the spread of Communism....funny, because today, the left embraces Communism, and want's that form of control over us now.

It was the Democrats who staged all the anti-war protests....funny, since it was them who got us knee deep in the war effort to begin with!!
It was the Democrats who belittled our returning soldiers, and called them "Baby Killers"....funny, because now they are all for killing babies, both unborn, and newborn!!
It was the Democrats who fought like mad to prevent the influx of Vietnamese refugees from coming here to make a life for themselves....funny, because now they want to flood the country with every illegal "undocumented" immigrant that they can bus in to here.

These idiots can't make up their minds as to what they want!!


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Rpm act  Empty Re: Rpm act

Post  supervel45 July 24th 2022, 8:26 am

I well know that.

Actually the Geneva Accords of 1954 allowed the French to Retreat. IKE had advisors ect. JFK sent in the Green Berets in 1961/2 and it heated up then when the VC and NVA matched them. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution { Which is Another Big Can of BS } under Johnson in 1964 and after the election the Marines Stolled into Danang in March of 1965 with Big Green in Tow. Johnson campaigned on Kinda Not Doing That. Then it was off to the Races and went to Shit by 1968.

I Don't Agree with we did not need to do Anything. The way it was Handled is what was wrong in my opinion especially after we left. Hind Sight is 20/20 so There's That. Just Like A-stan (OEF)2.0 we had to do Something.

Every American Should Spend an Hour an Watch the Bull Fucking Shit they pulled in Hollywood and our Colleges and Congress, Ect. against our guys.  

Names at the end and Who Tom Hayden Was?

Founder of SDS.

I am sure our Released POW's and GI's Just back Loved This?

Released in 1974 in American Theaters to Propagandise American Youth and Aimed for Them to Call Bidjets Senate and Congress to Stop Aid. Not Cool.

Credits at 1 hour 1 min 37 sec. I believe.

Never Forget or it Will Repeat and Here We are Almost Screwed Again.

There are Just No Good Answers and Letting Enemy's have Too Much Material Control over our Economy and Survival Items Like Medical Supplies Makes it so Much Worse.


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Rpm act  Empty Re: Rpm act

Post  supervel45 July 24th 2022, 10:20 am

So Yes Support the RPM Act and More While We Can.


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