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Night of the Grizzlies.......

Tennessee Bullitt
the Coug
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Night of the Grizzlies....... Empty Night of the Grizzlies.......

Post  ThndrChkn October 10th 2012, 1:11 am

A friend of mine got these pics from a friend of his near Bigfork Montana. Near Kalispell... They've been coming into town in the evenings and eating the fruit off of the trees. Look what this bear did to the plum tree when he polished off the plums. Note the dates/times on the pics from the trail camera. The bear in the last pic is probably between 700 & 800 lbs... Thanks to the "bunny huggers" we're not allowed to hunt these either. But it won't be long, as they're becoming a major nuisance. We spotted a sow griz and 2 cubs on a creek just 10 miles or so from my house on Friday.

Night of the Grizzlies....... Image001
Night of the Grizzlies....... Image002
Night of the Grizzlies....... Image003
Night of the Grizzlies....... Image004

Seems all the wolf lovers and griz lovers are from the east coast where they don't have to put up with them, and deal with the destruction they bring to the livestock and domsetic pets around here. I think we need to put some wolves and grizzlies in the woods of New York and Pennsylvania where most of these yahoo's are from, and see how much they love them then... MORONS!! Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad


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Night of the Grizzlies....... Empty Re: Night of the Grizzlies.......

Post  dfree383 October 10th 2012, 1:16 am

Alot seem to forget these are Preditors.... and they will take a human

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Night of the Grizzlies....... Empty Re: Night of the Grizzlies.......

Post  ThndrChkn October 10th 2012, 1:47 am

This is true. However, even grizzlies will rarely attack a human unless threatened/provoked. And I agree, alot of encounters wouldn't happen if man wasn't moving into their domain. But, they still need to be managed. At last count, the "activists" they say we have 600 grizzlies in Montana. This is total BS. My friend that sent me these pics has another rancher friend just south of Augusta, Montana that showed us video footage from his property where "53" grizzly bears crossed paths with his game camera in a single day. He lives at the base of the Rocky Mountain Front, just outside of the Bob Marshall Wilderness. Another place where I hunt just north of Augusta; the landowner and my friend that caretakes the place, flew the "Bob" last year, and in one day they counted more than 650 grizzlies. Just in the Bob Marshall Wilderness!! I think that means there are a sight more than the 600 statewide that the activists and their cohorts supposedly counted last year. The "Bob" is a huge expanse of country, and when my friend and the landonwer flew it, they started on the north end, and circled south. So it is very unlikely that they counted the same bear(s) more than once. With landowner/sportsman input, it is more accurately stated that there are better than 1500 grizzlies in the state.

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Night of the Grizzlies....... Empty Re: Night of the Grizzlies.......

Post  the Coug October 11th 2012, 6:13 am

Doug you people moved into their place. they didn't move into yours..... trust me they have been living there thousands of years before you were....

You know I hear about all this these animals kill so much the are destroying our Deer, Elk so on and so on Population,,,,we have to Kill them.......... Think about this.........they may kill a couple hundred Deer or Elk in a years to SURVIVE. and how many are shot by Hunters Just for The Hell of it? Say you got 10,000,000 people living in Montana, 1/4 of them go shoot and Elk and Deer. and you people blame it on the Wolves, and Bear, are killing all the game....Seems to me like the numbers just don't add up...Blaming them.....all for a pair of Antlers Which you Can't eat.

Case in Point last several years I have been Feeding deer at the place I work I watched these Buck Grow into really nice BIG mature Bucks, (10 pt and 12pt) wide Racks all Grain fed Well Last Fall I noticed a Vehicle kept driving by and watching my Pets... Well the morning Black Powder Rifle season I was working and Heard 2 booms That guy was sitting out side our fence hiding and waited till the Big Bucks were going to the pasture next to our plant and shot them both.......... Loaded them up in his Truck drove to town and showed them off for a week and cut their antlers off and dumped the bodies in the ditch... what a waste

Just my Observation
the Coug
the Coug

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Night of the Grizzlies....... Empty Re: Night of the Grizzlies.......

Post  ThndrChkn October 11th 2012, 10:45 am

Oh, I forgot that you were on here too. And you're the all knowing, about all things! At least in your opinion!

Well in all of your observation, maybe you should've gone a little further. Because you know nothing about what we're dealing with up here with the wolves and grizzlies. Particularly the wolves. I posted the pics, because I think they're awesome photos. I merely pointed out the FACT that these animals need to be managed to keep the populations in check. I also pointed out above in my last post, that we as humans are causing alot of the human/bear problems by continuously buying up their habitat. Therefore giving them fewer options for survival. Especially this time of year, when man journeys deeper into their habitat and freely picks all the huckleberries, blueberries, and chokecherries that they can for their own consumption. Therefore the bears look elsewhere for food to get them into and through their winter hibernation. It IS man's fault, to a bigger degree than the bear's.

And don't you DARE compare myself or ANY ethical hunter to ANYONE who gives all good ethical hunters a bad name by wasting game meat. I won't go into it here, but YOU of all people should know there are far fewer people like that than there are ethical hunters. ESPECIALLY, myself.

As for the wolf and grizzly problems we have here, nobody on this forum knows or can find any hard proof from internet/paper sources that will prove me wrong. Paper/internet info has nothing on what reality has shown us out here. You sound just like all those bunny huggers that are fighting to keep them on the endangered species lists forever. Of ALL hunters up here, or anywhere these animals are a real problem, none uf us want them slaughtered or wiped out. But they DO need to be MANAGED! Big difference. I noticed that all the people defending these animals, don't seem to have any around that they have to deal with. Maybe you need some in Texas, proportionate to the size of your state so there's an even comparison. I guarantee alot of thoughts and attitudes will change. It's not just the deer/elk populations that are suffering, the ranchers' livestock and other people's domestic pets are taking a huge hit as well.

Trust me here, knowledge of these animals from a personal standpoint FAR exceeds what the libtard bunny huggers are getting and sending out with all their book skills and so-called research. If their research was worth a crap to begin with, they would've known the wolves THEY "re-introduced" back in 1995/1996 are NOT the wolves that are native to the lower 48. If the Canadian Gray Wolf is such a great species, then why, when the Canadian biologists helped transport them to Yellowstone, did they say, "DON'T send them back"!!? So far, since we've been able to hunt "these" wolves, the biggest one taken so far was near Kalipell, Mt. 2-3 years ago and it weighed a little less than 175#. Only about twice what a native lower 48 Gray Wolf would weigh. About 3 times what the avg. coyote weighs. At least bears are more afraid of man than the opposite. Wolves fear nothing! Wolves kill, just to kill.

I could go on and on, but you and anyone else that would like to, need to take the hour it takes, and watch this film.

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Night of the Grizzlies....... Empty Re: Night of the Grizzlies.......

Post  f250mike October 11th 2012, 5:08 pm

I'm with you Doug!
We don't have the large carnivores
Here in indiana they reintroduced those stinking river otters a few years ago. A pair of them can wipe out a farm pond fairly quick. They kill for fun and only eat the fish heads and leave the rest on the bank.
The dang things are still protected.

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Night of the Grizzlies....... Empty Re: Night of the Grizzlies.......

Post  richter69 October 11th 2012, 5:14 pm

I just have gophers and turkeys to deal with, cat aint been worth a shit here lately lol.

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Night of the Grizzlies....... Empty Re: Night of the Grizzlies.......

Post  IDT-572 October 11th 2012, 5:26 pm

f250mike wrote:I'm with you Doug!
We don't have the large carnivores
Here in indiana they reintroduced those stinking river otters a few years ago. A pair of them can wipe out a farm pond fairly quick. They kill for fun and only eat the fish heads and leave the rest on the bank.
The dang things are still protected.

x2, a fish has a sporting chance against them in a river, Twisted Evil but in a farm pond, well in two days a group of them can wipe it out......................

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Night of the Grizzlies....... Empty Re: Night of the Grizzlies.......

Post  Tennessee Bullitt October 11th 2012, 5:40 pm

Doug I hear ya, weather the tree hugging numnuts think we need to save them just remember they take easy prey.... kids, old people, whatever they find they can get without much fuss. The bible says we rule over the animals. They don't rule over us cause some democratic nutjob says so.

And to everyone else who thinks its wrong then remember play on equal ground, no killing rats, bugs, snakes cause they pose a threat or are destroying your house.
Tennessee Bullitt
Tennessee Bullitt

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Night of the Grizzlies....... Empty Re: Night of the Grizzlies.......

Post  bruno October 11th 2012, 5:52 pm

paid a hired gun to show me how to hunt these fucking coyote's ....... they are sharp ........ we have packs of 15 or more that run this farm and i want them dead !!!! Twisted Evil

back to the bears !!!

coming soon x275 build .........
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Night of the Grizzlies....... Empty Re: Night of the Grizzlies.......

Post  bruno October 11th 2012, 5:58 pm

by the way laugh at this city folk but i was showing my son how to shoot the 243 and i looked thru the scope with the wrong eye ...guess what happened ??????

just trying to keep everyone smiling Laughing

coming soon x275 build .........
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Night of the Grizzlies....... Empty Re: Night of the Grizzlies.......

Post  KY JELLY October 11th 2012, 6:05 pm

If it was my yard i would kill the no count sumbish and not worry about it . Very Happy

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Night of the Grizzlies....... Empty Re: Night of the Grizzlies.......

Post  ThndrChkn October 11th 2012, 9:43 pm

KY JELLY wrote:If it was my yard i would kill the no count sumbish and not worry about it . Very Happy

By law here, you can shoot them as long you can prove after the fact that you were in danger. There have been very few convictions of people that have shot a griz in self defense. In most cases I think they look at the fact that here's a 170# man/woman, and here's a 700# bear coming after them, bear ends up dead. As long as reasonably convincing evidence is presented, it's not much of a case.

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Night of the Grizzlies....... Empty Re: Night of the Grizzlies.......

Post  dfree383 October 12th 2012, 1:15 am

bruno wrote:paid a hired gun to show me how to hunt these fucking coyote's ....... they are sharp ........ we have packs of 15 or more that run this farm and i want them dead !!!! Twisted Evil

back to the bears !!!

Alot of areas a freaking loaded with them, I was sitting on me tail gate at Blake's last time I was in the states.... 2 if them came trotting by, I tried getting to the dispatcher but ran out of time.

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Night of the Grizzlies....... Empty Re: Night of the Grizzlies.......

Post  bbf-falcon October 12th 2012, 11:43 am

Coyote's run pretty scared around here,we shootem and its legal. I see'em dead on the way to work dead on the road where a car/truck has killed them.


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Night of the Grizzlies....... Empty Re: Night of the Grizzlies.......

Post  DanH October 12th 2012, 2:40 pm

ThndrChkn wrote:A friend of mine got these pics from a friend of his near Bigfork Montana. Near Kalispell... They've been coming into town in the evenings and eating the fruit off of the trees. Look what this bear did to the plum tree when he polished off the plums. Note the dates/times on the pics from the trail camera. The bear in the last pic is probably between 700 & 800 lbs... Thanks to the "bunny huggers" we're not allowed to hunt these either. But it won't be long, as they're becoming a major nuisance. We spotted a sow griz and 2 cubs on a creek just 10 miles or so from my house on Friday.

Night of the Grizzlies....... Image001
Night of the Grizzlies....... Image002
Night of the Grizzlies....... Image003
Night of the Grizzlies....... Image004

Seems all the wolf lovers and griz lovers are from the east coast where they don't have to put up with them, and deal with the destruction they bring to the livestock and domsetic pets around here. I think we need to put some wolves and grizzlies in the woods of New York and Pennsylvania where most of these yahoo's are from, and see how much they love them then... MORONS!! Evil or Very Mad Evil or Very Mad

glad to trade you for some of your wolfs and bears for some NY ones .
Note , NY ones have gun's and some speak english


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Night of the Grizzlies....... Empty Re: Night of the Grizzlies.......

Post  psfracer October 13th 2012, 12:16 am

My family lives in Kalispell, I go up and visit there all the time, go to Whitefish, Big Mountain, and of course, Glacier National Park and hike / back pack and mountain bike. We see Grizzz in the park, but usually at a pretty significant distance. I would NOT want to get in between a Sow and her cubs. That never ends well.

How about this video? It is a very big concern, apparently.......... Suspect


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Night of the Grizzlies....... Empty Re: Night of the Grizzlies.......

Post  DanH October 13th 2012, 1:32 am

move the sign so the deer will cross someplace else . Thats funny .

she should have them put signs up in Mt for the bears ,BEARS NOT ALLOWED


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Night of the Grizzlies....... Empty Re: Night of the Grizzlies.......

Post  69bluehotrod October 13th 2012, 1:59 pm

lol! typical dippy-shit idiot, she actually thinks the deer can read.....and its the deers fault that she has hit 3 of them !!!!
Whats really bad is the comment that :
"they can make the deer cross the road anywhere they want them to cross".....
be affraid, be very affraid...

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Night of the Grizzlies....... Empty Re: Night of the Grizzlies.......

Post  70FB October 14th 2012, 10:08 am

KY JELLY wrote:If it was my yard i would kill the no count sumbish and not worry about it . Very Happy
Yes sir--30-06 would be blazing. If I lived in or near the city it would be bow or crossbow as long as I could hit it from a safe place after it gets pissed off. We have a few mountain lion sightings around here and I can say if I see it...........

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